Analyze User Website Visit Pattern

We are given some website visits: the user with name username[i] visited the website website[i] at time timestamp[i].

A 3-sequence is a list of websites of length 3 sorted in ascending order by the time of their visits.  (The websites in a 3-sequence are not necessarily distinct.)

Find the 3-sequence visited by the largest number of users. If there is more than one solution, return the lexicographically smallest such 3-sequence.


Example 1:

Input: username = ["joe","joe","joe","james","james","james","james","mary","mary","mary"], timestamp = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], website = ["home","about","career","home","cart","maps","home","home","about","career"]
Output: ["home","about","career"]
The tuples in this example are:
["joe", 1, "home"]
["joe", 2, "about"]
["joe", 3, "career"]
["james", 4, "home"]
["james", 5, "cart"]
["james", 6, "maps"]
["james", 7, "home"]
["mary", 8, "home"]
["mary", 9, "about"]
["mary", 10, "career"]
The 3-sequence ("home", "about", "career") was visited at least once by 2 users.
The 3-sequence ("home", "cart", "maps") was visited at least once by 1 user.
The 3-sequence ("home", "cart", "home") was visited at least once by 1 user.
The 3-sequence ("home", "maps", "home") was visited at least once by 1 user.
The 3-sequence ("cart", "maps", "home") was visited at least once by 1 user.



  1. 3 <= N = username.length = timestamp.length = website.length <= 50
  2. 1 <= username[i].length <= 10
  3. 0 <= timestamp[i] <= 10^9
  4. 1 <= website[i].length <= 10
  5. Both username[i] and website[i] contain only lowercase characters.
  6. It is guaranteed that there is at least one user who visited at least 3 websites.
  7. No user visits two websites at the same time.


class Solution {
    static class Entry {
        String user;
        int time;
        String website;
        public Entry(String user, int time, String website) {
            this.user = user;
            this.time = time;
   = website;

    public List<String> mostVisitedPattern(String[] username, int[] timestamp, String[] website) {
        Map<String, Map<Integer, List<List<String>>>> map = new HashMap();
        Map<List<String>, Set<String>> count = new HashMap();
        List<Entry> visits = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < username.length; i ++) {
            visits.add(new Entry(username[i], timestamp[i], website[i]));
        Collections.sort(visits, (a, b) -> a.time - b.time);
        for (int i = 0; i < visits.size(); i ++) {
            Entry visit = visits.get(i);
            map.putIfAbsent(visit.user, new HashMap());
            Map<Integer, List<List<String>>> visitMap = map.get(visit.user);
            visitMap.putIfAbsent(2, new ArrayList());
            List<List<String>> prev = visitMap.get(2);
            for (List<String> p : prev) {
                List<String> n = new ArrayList(p);
                count.putIfAbsent(n, new HashSet());
            visitMap.putIfAbsent(1, new ArrayList());
            prev = visitMap.get(1);
            List<List<String>> next = new ArrayList();
            for (List<String> p : prev) {
                List<String> n = new ArrayList(p);
            List<String> one = new ArrayList();
        List<String> result = new ArrayList();
        int max = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<List<String>, Set<String>> entry : count.entrySet()) {
            if (entry.getValue().size() > max) {
                max = entry.getValue().size();
                result = entry.getKey();
            } else if (entry.getValue().size() == max) {
                for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i ++) {
                    String a = entry.getKey().get(i);
                    String b = result.get(i);
                    // System.out.println(a + "#" + b);
                    if (a.compareTo(b) < 0) {
                        result = entry.getKey();
                    } else if (a.compareTo(b) == 0) {
                    } else {
        // System.out.println(count);
        // System.out.println(map);
        return result;